Mini seafood quiche in springroll cups

I still had all this cream in the fridge so decided to change up the normal quiche with a springroll cup as I had run out of pie pastry and was too lazy to make my own. Essentially, this is very similar to the frittata, but since it sits in a container of its own, it’s much easier to remove from the mould and not so messy, not to mention easier to wash! The springroll cups also provides a different texture and a nice crunch to the quiche, but do watch out as every oven is different so ensure your mini quiche doesn’t get burnt. Conversely, if the skin undercooked, it will be limp and soggy so that’s not good, either. If seafood is not your thing, feel free to add bits of ham, spinach or whatever you feel like having. Works just as well. This is great as a starter to a main course, or as a breakfast or tea snack.

3 eggs
10 pieces of crabstick, cut into smaller pieces
1 can tuna, in brine or oil.
One big onion, diced
1/2 cup cooking cream
3/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon flour, mixed into a paste with 1 tablespoon water.
Salt and pepper to taste
springroll sheets or wantan skin
Before starting, heat up the oven to about 170 degrees C.
Using just about a tablespoon of oil or butter, give the onion a quick saute. Then remove from pan and put aside.
If you are using wantan skin, use about 4 sheets for one mini quiche – butter one side, and line the inside of a muffin tray by layering them. I didn’t have wantan skin, so I used springroll sheets (popiah skin) instead, buttered on one side and then cut into 4 quarters per sheet, and laid similarly in the mould. Instead of a muffin tray which had only 8 slots, I used the small moulds for baking egg tarts as I wanted to bake more at one go.
Place some sauted onions at the bottom of each container with the skins, and then layer with a few pieces of crabstick and a teaspoon of tuna.
In a separate container, preferably in a jug with a pouring tip, beat the eggs together lightly, then add the milk, cream and seasoning, and lastly, the flour paste. Stir everything together and mix well.
Pour in some of the egg mixture into the springroll skin until it covers the tuna slightly over the top, but don’t overdo this lest it spills and overflows when it cooks and expands.
Bake for about 15 minutes, let it cool a bit and then, remove the seafood quiche cups from the mould to serve.
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