Porkylicious grub Habanna Charbroil Steakhouse

Porkylicious grub Habanna Charbroil Steakhouse

I don’t know why I never ate at Habanna Charbroil Steakhouse before. It’s so nearby, the food is super reasonable and best of all, it celebrates all things porky! Well, better late than never, right?

We tried 3 different dishes and were too stuffed to eat more, so made a note to myself that I should bring the piranhas here again.

First up, in trying to be the conscientious diner who hopes to keep up her fibre intake, we ordered Pancetta Salad (RM18.90). This came with oodles of pork belly meat akin to bacon, COVERING the vegetables. Did I mention how much meat there was? Not stingy bacon bits but actual pancetta slices, sharing its lubricious drippings with the veggie beneath. OK, I’m sold already!

Debating over the pork or beef burger, the server honestly said to try the pork (RM18.90). He could have easily said the latter which was more expensive, and for that I am grateful that he favoured taste instead. It came with a generous portion of fries as well as some more salad, so none can accuse us of being carnivores! The patty was “homemade” (as in made in Habanna-lah), moist and tasty, with enough texture for a good hearty bite without being hard or too dense, and a decent size.

My dinner mates chose Iberico pork belly (RM33.90), which was slightly on the dry side, but still pretty delish, with still enough natural juices contained within to flavour the meat, and the apple sauce at the side made up for it.

They’ve also got chicken choices such as American Charbroiled Chicken and Grilled Spicy Chicken if you’re not into pork, tempting starters like Pork Corn, Pancetta in Love (pig in a blanket) and Grill Bacon Slice, and lamb options like Honey Wine Lamb and Minty Lamb Loin.

Round 2: We popped by again, this time with my other half and No. 3. We had Iberico pork belly again, and this time it was a-mayyy-zing as it was so juicy ‘coz the pieces were fattier so meat had more flavour to it. We had Cajun Belly Salad this time, and it was also good, though I prefer the salty fragrance of the pancetta… I mean, come on, it’s bacon la… how to not lurve, right? No. 3 had the Beef Burger as the Pork Burger had run out and it was a happy second choice as the beef patty revealed layers of flavour and texture, and was worth the calories, not that he was counting … I was!

A glass of house pouring wine is RM15, so it’s even better to order by the bottle. What I like about this place is that it’s a simple, cosy neighbourhood family restaurant without any unpretentious draping and prices are more than reasonable.

Add: No.23, Jalan 20/13, Paramount Garden, Petaling Jaya. Hp: 018-227 7369