Could have been a PIE

It was supposed to be a pie.
That was the plan anyway. So I started with the carrots, potatoes, celery…
Ah yes, now I remember. I bought some celery because I was feeling guilty that I had not been eating enough green lately.
Then I thought a pie would be a safe bet even if the boys weren’t terribly excited about celery.
Softened the veggies in a pot of hot water. Then in a separate pot, threw in a blob of butter and tossed a cubed big onion till it got nicely caramelised.
I happened to have a pot of chicken soup on the stove anyway so that came in handy as stock which was added to the onions.
Next thing you know, it was too late to be making pie for dinner anyway as I would have needed at least another hour if you count the baking time. So now, I’ve got pie stuffing and I wasn’t going to be making pie.
At this point, it’s looking pretty much like a stew or a casserole, depending on how things were gonna roll.
This is where a can of mushroom soup, some milk, button mushrooms, tuna and macaroni, all thrown into the mix, come in handy.
I was hell bent on a one pot dish for dinner as I wasn’t going to cook anything else.
Deconstructed macaroni pie? Pie stuffing? Tuna and mushroom stew? What’s in a name anyway?

Everyone loved it so the pie that didn’t happen worked out pretty fine after all.