Easy bake Dinner Rolls

Everyone is baking nowadays, it seems, and the shops are running out of bread flour and yeast.
On a day when I was low on both, I changed upon this recipe from a friend’s feed. Am not exactly sure where the recipe is from but the shared picture indicated Momma’s Easy No Yeast Dinner Rolls on win.stylemod.co

Easy as pie, everything can be done in less than 30mins. How’s that for super fast dinner rolls? The buns are not soft and fluffy like bread, but a bit more dense and firm, more like American biscuits or breadcake. Great for dipping into soup or curry or thick gravy.

1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder (I made 2 portions at a go and used 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate and 1 tsp baking powder for fluffier finish inside)
1 tsp salt (I cut this down to less than half as the rolls end up quite salty)
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
Mix everything together in a bowl then spoon into a greased muffin tray. Original recipe said to bake for about 180 degrees C for about 15mins. In my oven it was a bit too hot, so I turned it down to 160 degrees C for 20mins.
Each recipe makes about 5 buns.
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