Oom pah pah FEST

Call it Octoberfest and someone somewhere is bound to get his feathers all riled up.
Thank goodness there was none of that this time. Instead, TGG (The Good Guys) Publika celebrated its launch party with an Octoberfest theme, made all the more merrier thanks to Carlsberg Malaysia.

I said it was oom pah pah night but then I just realised there was no German guys playing the tuba. 🙄 Instead, there was a band which performed modern renditions of popular numbers.

Guests had a chance to try their tried their hands at mug-slinging (why do I keep seeing mud-swinging?), beer pong, stein-holding endurance and lucky draw while swigging mugs of Carlsberg, Asahi and Brooklyn beer as well as Connor’s.
Was feeling nostalgic as it made me reminisce about the early years (many, many years ago) when every other hotel vied to host the most memorable October Fest for the media. There was free flow beer (alcohol was much cheaper then), food was in abundance served buffet style and inevitably by the end of the night, quite a few people would have ended up being thrown in the hotel pool!
That was also my first introduction to the chicken dance – why is Chicken Dance associated with October fest? I used to find it annoying, but last night, it was kinda nice …
Sigh, those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end. Oh well, let’s have more beer!
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